jueves, 23 de junio de 2011

Unit's 6-10



Write about your activities.

Every day
Every weekend
Once a week.
Once in a while.
I study English.
I play with my brother
I play basketball
I watch TV
I eat dinner
I play video games.
I clean my room
I walk.
I walk in the park
I dream
I eat fruit
I cook the food
I cry.
I play with my brother
I do exercise


Write you schedule for this weekend in the daily planner.
Group word. Talk to at lest three different classmate. Plan an activity together this weekend. Use your daily planner.

A: Adriana. Why don’t we go biking sometime?

B: Great idea. When’s good for you?

A: The weekend

B: That would be fine.


Talk about daily routines. Use the guide, or create a new conversation.

A: Hello! What are you doing here?

B: Hi, Marisol. I always swim on weekends you too?

A: Actually, I usually go to the gym. But not today.

B: How come?

A: I wanted to swim a little be.

Nop interaction what about you?

Step 1 anser the question about your typical day.

1-What time do you usually get up?

I get up at 6:00 am

2- What do you do next?

I take a shower

3- Do you usually eat breakfast?

Yes I do

4- When do you usually have lunch?

Around 2:00 oclok

5-What do you do in the evening?

I do my homework
  • What time do you go to bed?
I go to bed around nine

- Step 2 intreview a partner about his or her activities on a typical day. Use or all of the questions in a step 1.

In the mornig in the asthernoon in the evening

rushes histeath he ats at 2:00 in the goes aut with his girlfrien

Exercises for 15 mn he eats with his parents he goes to the gym.
What’s important to you when you choose a place to shop for clothes?
Complete the chart.

Not important
Very important.




Rode-play shopping for clothes. Start like this:
Excuse me.
Do you have I an smaller size of socks
Continue the conversation in you own way ….
- Yes, what color do you want?
- Blue please?
- Anything else.
- Not, them you.
Role-play playing for clothes. Use the guide, or create a new conversation.
A: I’ll take the sweat shirt.
B: Good. How would you like to pay for that?
A: Excuse me?
B: Cash or charge?
A: Cash, please. Add could you gift wrap them for me?
B: No problem..
- Top Notch
On the notepad, write things you can find in each department
Men’s: Shoes, athleticwear.
Women’s: hosiery, shoes.
Lingerie: panties.
Electronics: Tv,pc.
Appliances: microwave oven, coffe maker.
- Top Notch
Interaction. Do’s and Don’ts
On The notepad, write some clothing do’s and don’ts for visitors to this country.
In offices and formal restaurants:
Is important for men and women
to wear presentable attire
In Casual social settings:
Is unpleasant to wear shorts
In religious Institutions.
It's important for people to be conservative in clothing.
- Practice greeting someone arriving from a flight, drive, cruise, train or bus trip. Use the guide, or create a new conversation.
A: So, how was the cruise ?
B: Pretty good , actually.
A: That´s right ! Let me help you with your things.
B: Yes, of curse
- Talk about how you spent your free time. Use the past time expressions.
A: What did you do last night ?
B: I go to night club
- What about You?
Answer the questions about your vacations check all that apply.
Travel Survey
Where do you usually go on vacation?
I visit my Family
I go to another city
I go to another Country
I go to beach
What do you usually do on vacation?
I take it easy
I visit museums and go sightseeing
I do a lot of physical activities
I eat at nice restaurants
Unit 9
- Conversation Pair Work
A: I’m going to need a Hotel reservation in Washington.
B: Ok. What date are you arriving?
A: June 26
B: What time does the get in arrive?
A: Let me check … 9:10p.m.
B: It’s ok. Thanks ...
- Top Notch Interaction (Pair Work)
· The time is now 16:35.
· You have a very important dinner in Sao Paulo at 20:30.
· The flight takes two hours.

- Now look at the departure schedule and discuss your alternatives.
Sao Paulo
Rio de Janeiro
Sao Paulo
Now 17:25
Sao Paulo
On time
- Need help? Here’s language you already know:
                                                 Discuss Plans
What are you going to do?
It departed 6 hours ago.
What should we do?
What time does the flight
You could go.
We should live.
Is it direct/ non- stop?
What about you?
I’m going to Rio de Janeiro
Can we make the sit?

- Top Notch Interaction
Choose a trip when you had transportation problems. On the notepad, make notes about the trip.
Means of transportation: A particular Car
When: in July 20,2010
Destination: Albuquerque New Mexico.
Good memories: We went to Albuquerque and the sentry beautiful
Problems: My Car broke down.
Unit 10
What about you?
What you usually do when you’re out of cash?
___ I go to the bank.
___ I use credit card
ü I get money from an ATM
___ other………….
- Conversation pair work.
Ask for a recommendation. Use the ads, changing the price to local currency if you can use this guide, or create a new conversation.
A: I’M looking for digital camera which is the Prego 5?
B: The most practica.But it’s not the nicest
How much can you spend?
A: No more than 300 dls
B: Well that’s just about it.
- Conversation pair work
With a partner, bargain for a lower price. Use the pictures above, giving a price to each item. Start like this:
A: How much do you want for that rug?
B: This one?
A: Yes... give me so dollars
How about 35?
I can’t do that
Give me forty dollars
Ok, the rug is yours.
- Step 1: take the health survey.
Top notch health survey
Check the statement that are true for you
Then add up your total acore
1- I exercise regularly
2- I always get enough sleep
3- I sometimes eat vegetables
4- I sometimes eat sweet tooth
5- I sometimes eat sweets.